Space Monopoly


NEW! Space Monopoly v1.2 released!

A new version of Space Monopoly is now available to download. It doesn't have any extra features over v1.1 - the main update is slightly improved graphics and a resizable screen area (ie. the main window is resizable). So now people with smaller screen resolutions can enjoy Space Monopoly too...

See Links & Thanks which shows who to thank for their support of Space Monopoly, including which sites have reviewed or host a download of Space Monopoly.

What is Space Monopoly?

So you've never heard of Space Monopoly?  Well, I'm not sure I can describe it in a nutshell, but I'll give it a go...  Space monopoly is a board-style game in which players compete to make the most money.  They make money by creating companies, and buying and selling shares in those companies.  When a company grows, they make money proportional to the number of shares they had in the company and how much the company grew by.  This may sound complicated, but Space Monopoly is a very simple game to learn and can be great fun to play!

Downloading Space Monopoly

If I didn't mention already, Space Monopoly is completely free!  Download the latest, complete version from right here: 
  • Click [ here ] to download Space Monopoly (v1.2) + Documentation (305k) 
  • Click [ here ] to download Space Monopoly (v1.1) + Documentation (288k) 
  • Click [ here ] to download Space Monopoly (v1.1) only (243k) 
  • Click [ here ] to download Documentation only (45k) 

Whilst fixing my computer I found the old versions of Space Monopoly, so I thought somebody might like to download them.  The documentation is not included with v0.8, but the game's so easy you shouldn't need it! 

Click [ here ] to download Space Monopoly (v0.8 beta) (189k) 


The old documentation is "as is" - I haven't made any changes.  To have a look click [ here ] but some of the links on it might be broken now.  I've never really liked writing documentation anyway...  I know that's a bit slack of me, but if anyone wants to rewrite it all, feel free to email me and offer ;)

Source Code

The source code is now available!
Get the Space Monopoly source code now.

Contact Details

I might not have mentioned who I am (well, not on this site at least - in life I think I've menaioned it a few times).  Well, my name is David Vivash, a software developer from the UK. Anyway, I'm easy to reach by email, on
Copyright 2000, 2001 David Vivash